Book Review | Stardust by Neil Gaiman

12 November 2016

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I'm fairly certain that Neil Gaiman is a wizard. Every book of his that I have had the privilege of reading has been so original, eerie, yet magical. What I love most about Neil Gaiman and his books is that he gives no explanations for the unusual worlds he creates. He paints a picture with words and expects the you to go along with it, and as you read you actually do. You accept his reality, and in the end you wish it to be true.

This fantasy story follows Tristran Thorn and his journey to procure a fallen star for his true love.
I admittedly saw the movie of Stardust before I read the book (it is amazing, albeit a little cheesy at times), and it was hard for me to disassociate the book from what I knew from the movie. The book and movie are very different from each other, though, and I found both to portray equally great stories.

As I was reading I was surprised at how many adult themes there were. It definitely reads like a children's fantasy book, but it is not at all a story for children. I found it somewhat nice, though. This book was more lighthearted than ordinary adult books (or other Neil Gaiman books, honestly), but it's still extremely enjoyable. It's an escape. A great read to help you forget all the stress and difficulties of life.

The book is very fast paced and humorous and keeps you hooked throughout, and it has the Gaiman writing style that is completely addicting.

While I really enjoyed reading this book, I can see how others wouldn't care for it so much. Again, there is not a whole lot of explanation for how the world works. It's just there. Which can be frustrating at times. The characters can get on your nerves at times (especially Tristran), and their actions a bit predictable. But if you're able to get past all that, it really is a magical journey.
“A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless, really..."Do the stars gaze back?" Now, that's a question.” Neil Gaiman, Stardust


  1. GAh!! I ADORE Gaiman, and this book is one of my personal favorites!! <3 So good!! *Admittedly, I saw the movie afterwards and despised it* :p

    1. Yess so so good! I can understand how you could dislike the movie. I think I liked it because at the time I watched it I was craving something cheesy and strange. But yeah.

  2. I've never read this book, but as a HUGE fan of Gaiman I think I'll definitely give it a try!

  3. I want to read Stardust. I've seen the movie and really liked it.

    So far I've had a hard time with Neil Gaiman. I feel like I should love his books...they seem like the sort of stories I ought to love. But I've read Coraline (it was okay), Fortunately the Milk (cute), and The Graveyard Book (oddly disappointed with it somehow), and I haven't loved any of them like I thought I would. Not sure what's wrong with me, but I'm going to try his adult fiction next. I already have The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and I'm always on the lookout for a copy of Stardust.

    1. His style is an acquired taste, but I definitely think you should give Stardust a try. I would be interested in seeing your thoughts on it, Kristin. :)

  4. EEEEEP THIS LOOKS SO DELICIOUS. <3 And omg that quote at the end. wow. :'') Neil Gaiman is brilliant ok yes

  5. OMGOSH THIS LOOKS SO GOOD! I'm gonna have to go check this out, like right now! XD Great review!

  6. Me again. I've tagged you for a new tag I created on my blog, if you want to have a little peek at that?

    1. Thank you so much for tagging me, you're so sweet! :)

  7. This book has been sitting on my shelf for a couple months, now - you've inspired me to pick it up! Thanks for this review, Hannah <3

  8. Also I've missed you. Nice to read your lovely blog again.
